Bern 2021
After the Game
After the game, the pieces assembled for a quick chat about the fight. The queen and the rook discussed how they were moved by the knight's bold hop to challenge the bishop. "An unnecessary, I am inclined to say 'stupid', sacrifice.", explained the rook. The brave knight had quickly met his demise by a hidden pawn's nasty sidestep. Consequently, the knight's death had been the beginning of the endgame. Apart from those strategic observations, there still were discussions about the new colours - no one had gotten used to the blue and red yet. "You should not always see everything in black and white!" joined the king, always eager to compromise after all the fighting....
Red Chairs
They were sitting down each morning beneath the trees, enjoying the warming sun and waiting for someone to come by and talk, so they could listen to their silence.
Bundesplatz/Bern. 12 hours before about 5000 people fill the square shouting for freedom.
Resting on the Steps
Busy lifes, always driving forward. I have to remind myself again, once in a while, that it is not only ok but necessary to step back, sit down and do nothing. Just watch and listen or maybe only just breathe.
Living Democracy
People gathering on the Bundesplatz in the center of Bern, demonstrating against the "tyrrany" of the new Covid laws passed by the Bundesrat. I soon leave the place as I do not feel comfortable among the unmasked crowd shouting for "Liberté".
A Walk at the Lake
Among the daily business going on it is easy to forget that there is a tangible world out there. All throughout the day, our minds are busy solving virtual problems, finishing up a report, writing that email or even just following that desire to distract itself. And at the end of the day, I often wonder: what did I accomplish? Sometimes a walk is all I need to connect to life a little bit again. Maybe a dragonfly is zipping across the surface of the lake, or you can see a golden fish hiding in the reed. Would you take my hand and walk with me?
I didn't feel too safe on my nightly explorations near the Kulturzentrum Reitschule in Bern. "Covered in graffiti, this left-wing political-cultural center offers screenings, concerts & dining." (Google Maps) The Banner "EFFI LEBT" refers to an event in 2016 when a group of activists occupied a building in Bern and later was forcefully removed by police. I was already leaving the area when a guy on a scooter approached me and asked me if I was looking for a shot. As it was obvious that he wasn't talking about photography I quiickly went on my way.
The Aare River
The river Aare flows around Bern on three sides. This morning view was taken from the Lorraine bridge. The bridge had signs on each end that offered help in the form of a phone hotline for people in despair ... Let there be hope!
During my two days in Bern last year I came accross this colorful fence. The knitted bars are little memorials for lifes lost to drug addiction. I will just leave it at that, just documenting without adding my thoughts and emotions on this.
Taxes, Teeth & Trains
... all in one place. How convinient! Facade of Bern central station.
Moving along ... this one finishes the Bern series. And with this I open the travelogue gallery which gathers pictures by travels.
Half past nine a.m.