Photo Stream
I will be adding a picture here every couple of days.
Street, flowers, self portraits, sunsets, travel pics and
whatever else I can get in front of my lens.

Looking east into a beautiful sunset from my apartments balkony. East where just about 24 hours ago, the Paris 2024 Olympics ended in a spectacular wunderful show. I was moved by the humble respectful yet light hearted tone of the closing ceremony., It found the delicate balance between celebrating two wonderful weeks of astounding feats and served as a reminder that anything is possible, if we just stand together.

Vigili del Fuoco
I like the word "vigili" ;-) Somehow makes you feel safe.

Take a Seat

Into the Desert
After a long and rough week, this seems like a good reminder that even if times are rough, I will always find a way through. I might also enjoy the sunset while I am finding my way. Tomorow is a new day.

Both Ways
Ferry on lake Garda/Italy.

A Lady in Egypt

Improbable Colors
A short hike along the canal. The cherry blossoms greet the spring. Mum is waiting for the tram.

Blue vs Red

We travel to fill the soul. For two weeks all we need fits in a suitcase and the carry-on baggage. What do we leave behind when we return?

Winter in Munich
Photo walk through snow covered Munich. As many others, I too am enjoying the sun and fresh air in a city that is all but grinding to a halt after a day of intense snowfalls. Pictures of a walk along Isar and through Englischer Garten (taken with my mobile).

Pier Above the Reef
No boats anchor here. The pier provides access for divers and snorkelers to the reef. The sea floor almost plunges vertically here and causes the waves to break above.

Deceptive Solitude
The "palm tree" provides great signal strength to cell phones in the surrounding area, including the nearby hotel. The former inhabitants of the decaying unfinished ruin probably don't care any more.


Giver of Life
Once more, as on every day in the last 4000 years, the sun god Ra sets out in his solar barque to carry the sun disk accross the sky.

Marking the day that the blog has been migrated to a new hosting solution. Cancelling the contract with the old provider after 16 years!



A Kiss in the Rain
A kiss in the rain. Thunder and storm have passed. The guardians rest.

Amazing Life

The Power of the Cosmos
You are utter beauty. You are pure intelligence. You are in perfect harmony with everything. Simple as that. -- Loosely quoting from an inspiring talk by Mark Whitwell.

Night Shift

House on the Hill
Last of April's snow I follow the magic forest path Must not get lost! Fog hides the world Ghosts from the past linger I fall asleep. Full of dreams A small glimmer to warm the heart Clarity prevails.

And the World Disappears
A thought. Where did it come from? Something I read. Something you said? A construct arises. Is it true? Interpretation based on history. Is it real? History evaluated. Another thought. Exhale and let go. The world disappears and the birds fly free.

Magic misty morning
Yearning for Hanami. Poetic icing on the early spring grass. Longhorns do not care.

Munich Nights
A fine dinner. A damn near perfect day. Last cold night.

Tell Her ❤️ You Love Her

Behind the Tree
Not yet there A step into the dark Thoughts run wild Despair takes hold Slow morning And a downward day The clock is ticking So much left to do It is too late anyway They will never learn Change is here Lost. I can hear your voice. Inhale. The cold winter forest air fills my lungs. Exhale. I take another step. A light behind the tree.

Resting on the Steps
Busy lifes, always driving forward. I have to remind myself again, once in a while, that it is not only ok but necessary to step back, sit down and do nothing. Just watch and listen or maybe only just breathe.

The Other Side
Golden trees Together on the other side Two ducks wait

Winds of Change
Take me to the magic of the moment On a glory night Where the children of tomorrow dream away In the wind of change -- Scorpions ("Wind of Change")

A Good Day
Inspired and held. Warm and close. Caring and cared for. Stay and let go. Joyful silence. Breathing deep. Walking straight. Choosing to Be.

Stories on the Threshold
Fiction from the past is becoming reality every day, and the unimaginable is just around the corner. On the threshold of a new world, they share their stories of the day. Stories that serve as just a taste of what is yet to come.

The Depot
Unnoticed by the depot operators, dreams pass through here every day. Hopes and wishes, and despair and disappointment as well. Thousands upon thousands, they go in and out again. They find their way through the maze all by themselves to get closer to their target without anyone noticing or caring much, for that matter. Only when they arrive at their destination do they open up to show their true nature to the one who gets to hold them. --- Giant arching roof, housing one of Munich’s largest mail and parcel distribution centres.

Three birds
Three birds watch Each in a different direction The water is cold

Winter in the City
The warmth of your kiss is melting snowflakes on my lips. Ever more are drifting down. Starting from nowhere. Or somewhere in the darkness high above. Each is a masterpiece of beauty. Yet they never care about their looks. Each contends with just drifting and falling. Sometimes I can be like that: just falling and letting go. An endless fall from my darkness entangled with life drifting in the whirls of the wind just hoping that there is still time. Craving for love to find me. And stay. Only then to realize that it is already there. And always was. The fear is gone and for a moment we can be free.

The Dancing Ghost
I am just a ghost. My mind floats among the flakes as they dance around the light. A young couple passes underneath. Dark sculptures are watching them. Attracted by their whispering thoughts, I follow.

I Dream of Snowflakes

Just Colors

Golden Mask
Carter wrote in his diary: The pins removed, the lid was raised. The penultimate scene was disclosed – a very neatly wrapped mummy of the young king, with golden mask of sad but tranquil expression, symbolizing Osiris … the mask bears that god's attributes, but the likeness is that of Tut.Ankh.Amen – placid and beautiful, with the same features as we find upon his statues and coffins. The mask has fallen slightly back, thus its gaze is straight up to the heavens. --- Picture of a replica; taken during a temporary exhibition in Munich

Persistence & Renewal
I am and I was what happened to the person I was a moment ago? a memory lost a though appeared where did it go and where did it come from? born again in a new world every moment until.

Everything is True
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." -- Niels Bohr

Sunday in Munich
Soon the leaves on the trees will be gone; though it feels as if they hang on to their branches for a little longer each year. I am enjoying the last rays of the sun on a lazy November Sunday afternoon. Seems we all can use a little warmth right now. Leave the news and the world at home and just kick the ball once more! Better here than in the desert.

Walk the Dog
Follow the lead Doing the chores all day long The sun sets early

Road Trip
In only a little more than two weeks, we passed through six countries and travelled almost 4000 kilometers. We learned a little about the regions turbulent history. We saw ancient cities and castles, fish in the sea, gorgeous canyons and wild rivers. We encountered poor yet proud and friendly people. Greatful for being able to have made this experience and thankful for having shared it with you. This concludes the Albania series - find them all in the travelogue.

Coast of Croatia
Follow the road Trust the journey Enjoy the view

Stone Upon The Stone
The castle of Shkodra, or Rozafa Castle, in the light of the morning sun. A rather gruesome legend describes how a young mother had to be immured by her husband and his two brothers to guarantee the completion of the castle. Whether there is a true core to the legend or not. The amount of human labour required to build the castle on top of the hill is hard to imagine today. During my reading into the castle's legend I found an English interpretation of the legend's poem which captures the sadness of the story quite well: Building Skadar by David Kelly

The sun was already low on the horizon. Mergim looked at his watch - ten minutes to seven. Since morning he had been wondering who his last customer would be.

Osum Canyon
It is generally thought that about 2-3 million years ago the river flowed underground, but over time the rock above the river disappeared, creating the current form of the gorge. (Wikipedia) Thankful to be alive now and having had the opportunity to visit this wonderful natural monument.

The Last of Its Kind
In all of Europe the river Vjosë is one of the last wild free-flowing rivers in Europe. Fortunately the government of Albania has committed to protect this untouched river ecosystem.

Golden leaves in a pond
Golden leaves floating Pond at the mountains foot But soon they will sink ---- This haiku was a collaboration between me and an AI (GPT-3).

Days are blurring into each other. Time flies. Thoughts require attention. Everything is important. All at once. I climb the mountain. Drink some tea.

The Fog Rises
A wet road Leaves float in the pond The fog rises

A new day is born

Sprawling City
It probably was a beautiful scene once, with the gulf of Vlore surrounded by rolling hills. Is this our legacy?

Ancient City
Ruins in the archiaelogical park that shows the remnants of the ancient city of Byllis. The city was founded in the 4th century BC and located 500m above sea level on a hill overlooking the Vjose river. Walking among the ruins and stones, made me think of the people that lived, struggled and died here some 2000 years ago. Some inscriptions in stone all that remains of whatever they felt was important back then. I wonder: what will our legacy be 2000 years from now?

The Bridge in the Middle
The Ura e Mesit - the bridge in the middle was built in the 18th century and spans the river Kir. It is impressive to see this monument still standing after more than 200 years. I wonder if our modern buildings will also last that long?

Watching you
“Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Graveyard With A View
Somewhere between Albania and Montenegro. Many charches and their graveyards were located on hills.

Lagoon of Patok
The huts built into the lagoon look like a scene from a long forgotten time. Yet they make up the rooms of a fish restaurant built in the shallow waters. And rich waters they are. Just close to the shore you can see small fish and crabs trying to get their share of the nutrients provided by the special conditions of the lagoon.

Sunrise & Arrival
Sunrise at the river Drin / Albania on the morning of the fourth day. And finally, after a rush along the coast, our souls have time to catch up. We have arrived.

The Lake Remembers
The king stepped into the water. His evening robe started to float around him. Why didn’t they understand? An eagle cried. He looked up but could only see the moon. Do eagles fly in the night? “I wish I could fly.”, he thought and took another step.

Deiflsbuxn View 2
Looking west along the river Regen from the Deiflsbuxn ("Devil's trousers") viewpoint. Reichenbach Abby in the background is looking over the river from the other side.

Deiflsbuxn View 1
Looking east along the river Regen from the Deiflsbuxn ("Devil's trousers") viewpoint.

Natural monument at the top of a hill in the Bayerischer Wald; the cross marking the highest point in the region. Humbling to think about the forces that were required to move those boulders through the ages.

In the Woods
Leaf and root Witness to centuries I breath deeply

Around the Bend
Silently the boat glides through the water. Quiet all around. Dad and I stopped using the paddles for a minute and not even the wind dares to touch the mirror like surface of the river Regen. It carries our little Canadian canoe effortlessly along at a steady pace with the current's hidden force. And for a short moment that's all there is. Nothing in front of us, and nothing behind. No thought. Just being in awe that such a beautiful place still exists in this troubled world. Then the mind starts to wonder what's around the bend and the moment is gone.

Inhabitants of Schiffbrückgasse 7
Do you also see those faces in the windows? All with a mustache, the one on the left pulling down his lip on one side angry or sad. THe middle one with a tear in its eye. And the right one smiling a little dumbfounded. Can you un-see those expressions now?

Warm Thoughts
I do not speak Under a turbulent sky Warm thoughts

Alone on the Bridge
Summer in the city. A boat underneath the bridge. She walks alone.

Bahnhof Friedrichstraße
The area around the station is a melting pot of different cultures, rich and poor, young and old. Street food places, 24 hour shops and what not. Every corner looks different.

Moon Illusion
The moon seems to appear larger when it is closer to the horizon. According to Wikipedia at least the explanation for this illusion is still being debated. So cool that still even some of the simple things cannot be fully explained.

Rainbow Vortex

Moss on Dead Tree

Good VIbes
Group practicing Tai Chi (I think) and redirecting energy flows. The world cannot have enough of those good vibes, right now. From last years visit to Bern.

A warm welcome
beautifully fragile petals reaching for the light a warm welcome

The Garage
Looks like a scene from a Bond movie to me.

Space Optimization

Exhibit 42: Lamp from the Atomic Café From the "Nachts" exhibition in Munich's Stadtmuseum. A reminder of times when going out to a bar or club on weekends was normal. Feels very far away now.

Prater Postcards #5

Cleaning the Arctic
Prater Postcards #4

Control Center
Prater Postcards #3

Prater Postcards #2

Upward Spiral?
Prater Postcards #1

What if it's not too late
Yesterday I was really moved when the moderator in the radio announced that many of Europe's radio stations aligned to play "Give peace a chance" by John Lennon at the same time 8:45 in the morning. The picture: A mural in Berlin. Taken last year. Colors relevant now.


New Guard
The "Neue Wache" in Berlin. Memorial to the Victims of War and Tyranny. Only six months after I took this picture I still have troubles to wrap my head around the fact that there right now there is a violent war in Europe going on. How many memorials does the world need?

Peace, not war
Demonstrating for peace and support. Showing solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

A Different World
The sun sets on a different world today. Sadness prevails as it becomes obvious that mankind seems to have a hard time to learn from the past.

Beyond Thought
Stormy clouds They follow a darker road Step into a puddle

Persistent Illusion
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -- Albert Einstein

Cold fog gathers
My Hands are frozen. Cold fog gathers all around. The river flows. -- Isar and Müllersches Volksbad / München.

Moving along ... this one finishes the Bern series. And with this I open the travelogue gallery which gathers pictures by travels.

During my two days in Bern last year I came accross this colorful fence. The knitted bars are little memorials for lifes lost to drug addiction. I will just leave it at that, just documenting without adding my thoughts and emotions on this.

Half past nine a.m.

Starry, starry, night
May your new year be full of energy, peace and love.

Wind, Ice and Sun
The wind blows the fresh dry snow from the roof and a trillion little sparks explode with a quiet woosh into a cold Februrary afternoon.

Misty Road
Our silent footsteps on the stony road are the only sound. We had wandered through the mountains, discovered paths completely covered by autumn leaves. It seems nobody had been using these paths for a long time. We followed a creek that once had carried a mountain. Now it lay tamed and ran silently in its rocky bed up to a monstrous iron gate. We fed the horses, chased crooked diamond thieves and lifted the Mummy's Curse before reading the latest news from a strange town called Castle Rock. We had embers glowing in the tiled stove to keep us warm during the night while outside stars shone bright and guarded our sleep. In the morning, we drank freshly brewed coffee, watching the sun fight its silent battle with the morning mist until finally, the ragged glowing edge of Dragonback mountain proudly rose above the fog. The sun has lost its battle today. We have to leave the magic fairy tale land where we had spent what feels like a lifetime. Beyond the mist lies another world full of ugly machines and grey routines. Our silent footsteps on the stony road are the only sound. "Wait", I whisper, and you turn around.

Two Shades of Green
Round 33 of the 10 year anniversary Scavanger Hunt has come and gone. And I was crazy enough to sign up again. This here being my personal favorite this round. But I am actually quite happy with all of my entries.


The only Moment
“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.” – Thich Nhat Hanh --- Teahouse in Daishin Zen Monastery Buchenberg. I had the privilidge of spending a few quiet and inspirational days at the monastery.

True. Glow. Companion Between. Within sight. Grounded. Far and near. Inspiration. Hope.

Launch Tube
Interesting sculpture in Stadtpark Erding. This reminds me a lot of the Battle Star Galactica launch tube. Now, if there were a Viper somewhere.

Celebrating and being thankful that the day ended with tasks completeted, laughter shared, wonderful people in my thoughts and a hot cup of tea. Fountain near Alexanderplatz / Berlin.

Leaf with a Heart

Leaves of gold along a hidden path I follow you. A stone awaits in lovely company we share our food. Wind is strong, A dance for Leaf and tree Well met, dear friends. #haiku

Collection in the "Mensch nach der Natur" exhibit in the newly opened Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Among other things it showcased these wonderful "antique" calculation machines. The title refers to a simple command (GOTO) in the BASIC programming language which instructs the computer to continue with the programm at another line. It caused a lot of trouble back then.

You were right in the end. Out there, the jungle is waiting. Do I have a choice but to become a hunter?

.. it really stands out.

Girl & Dragons at the Museum
It's hard to describe the exhibition of the Ishtar Gate in Berlin's Pergamon Museum. The reconstruction is impressive. It even includes the original dragon image tiles. Yet, somehow I think I wasn't the only one who felt like this doesn't have a connection to the place. After all the original gate once guarded the entry to the city of Babylon - some 4000 km away. --- On another note regarding museums: I just finished reading the wonderful book "Meet me at the Museum" by Anne Youngson. Very lovely and delicately written. Thank you again for the reccomendation

After the Game
After the game, the pieces assembled for a quick chat about the fight. The queen and the rook discussed how they were moved by the knight's bold hop to challenge the bishop. "An unnecessary, I am inclined to say 'stupid', sacrifice.", explained the rook. The brave knight had quickly met his demise by a hidden pawn's nasty sidestep. Consequently, the knight's death had been the beginning of the endgame. Apart from those strategic observations, there still were discussions about the new colours - no one had gotten used to the blue and red yet. "You should not always see everything in black and white!" joined the king, always eager to compromise after all the fighting....

I didn't feel too safe on my nightly explorations near the Kulturzentrum Reitschule in Bern. "Covered in graffiti, this left-wing political-cultural center offers screenings, concerts & dining." (Google Maps) The Banner "EFFI LEBT" refers to an event in 2016 when a group of activists occupied a building in Bern and later was forcefully removed by police. I was already leaving the area when a guy on a scooter approached me and asked me if I was looking for a shot. As it was obvious that he wasn't talking about photography I quiickly went on my way.

Hushed Tones
"The unheralded beauty of our planet and of where it sits and the environment that we're in is so constantly magnificent, that when you are looking at it you're talking in hushed tones." — Chris Hadfield; astronaut; about seeing earth from space Picture taken on a flight to London Heathrow shortly after take-off in a time when flying was still normal. Looking at a map now, I think the river in the fog should be the Amper.

A Walk at the Lake
Among the daily business going on it is easy to forget that there is a tangible world out there. All throughout the day, our minds are busy solving virtual problems, finishing up a report, writing that email or even just following that desire to distract itself. And at the end of the day, I often wonder: what did I accomplish? Sometimes a walk is all I need to connect to life a little bit again. Maybe a dragonfly is zipping across the surface of the lake, or you can see a golden fish hiding in the reed. Would you take my hand and walk with me?

Red Chairs
They were sitting down each morning beneath the trees, enjoying the warming sun and waiting for someone to come by and talk, so they could listen to their silence.

Taxes, Teeth & Trains
... all in one place. How convinient! Facade of Bern central station.

The Aare River
The river Aare flows around Bern on three sides. This morning view was taken from the Lorraine bridge. The bridge had signs on each end that offered help in the form of a phone hotline for people in despair ... Let there be hope!

Spread love not CO2
Climate strike 2021.

The Mirror World
in a different perspective I see the same things in another way take a step in another way I see the same things in a different perspective

Angel, Dragon, Turtle
Watching the sky and looking out for magical beings hidden in the clouds. The joy when you discover them. Quickly! Let's follow the angel, jump on the dragon and swim with the turtle! Maybe they can take us back to Neverland.

Bundesplatz/Bern. 12 hours before about 5000 people fill the square shouting for freedom.

Through the Trees
I still remember when we met. Walking up this mountain. We saw each other through the trees, thankful for the road that brought us here. Now we continue on our paths together, step by careful step. We are carried by our dreams to a summit out of sight. Knowing our paths will bring us closer.

Living Democracy
People gathering on the Bundesplatz in the center of Bern, demonstrating against the "tyrrany" of the new Covid laws passed by the Bundesrat. I soon leave the place as I do not feel comfortable among the unmasked crowd shouting for "Liberté".

Riding Home
Riding home Warmth of the ending summer I cannot wait

Pizzeria Cafeteria
Interior of a shopping mall in Puerto Banús/Spain, 2015. It already felt like a place from a post apocalyptic movie back then. Some piano music played from scratchy speakers. The wind whistled through the roof's fabric. I imagine people in a thousand years finding remnants of this place. What will the archeologists of the year 3021 make of this? Will they still understand the concept of "shopping"? For fun? Buying food? I picture them walking around, scanning and cataloging all the little details. Wondering what purpose all the things served. Whatever life will be then - I hope they still enjoy a pizza & coffee once in a while.


"I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that." -- H.A.L. (2001: A Space Odyssey)

Take Ten
Horse & Dolphin Yard, Chinatown, London, 2016

Thanks for sitting still long enough and allowing me to take this shot.

Dance and jump. Fly high into the sky. Another round begins!

Evening Sky
A colorful start into the weekend.

Fresh Fish
Fisher selling fish from his boat in the harbor of Portoferaio.

The Farthest Star
We possess the power If this should start to fall apart To mend divides To change the world To reach the farthest star (The Farthes Star, VNV Nation) --- Taken on the last night on Elba at the beginning of this summer., this picture marks a milestone for me. After almost 20 years of photography, this is the first picture of a night sky with recognizable stars! The seven stars of the asterism (didn't know that there is a difference to constellations) of the Big Dipper can be seen to the right of the middle of the picture.

I Dream of Corse
I can still smell the warm sunset in your hair. That silence that we longed for, I see it sparkling in your eyes. A touch of your hand is like the sound of those waves caressing the stones on the shore. And then you kiss me.

Black & White
I can only guess what purpose this place served in the past. Maybe it has been a pigsty? All in all, this felt a little creepy. The house this ruin is attached to seemed to have been somewhat hastily abandoned maybe one or two years ago. There were bags full of dusty children's books under a small alcove and the sad and soggy remnants of a stuffed toy cat in what must have been a dog hut nearby. I quickly left the ruin after I had taken this shot. What happened to the people who once enjoyed the cool shade while they were sitting in those chairs - we'll probably never know.


Another Day
another day goes by behind the clouds hope that the sun and we exist and all I see is all there is more I need to wait another day

In Control
Most people when seeing this picture, probably have the same thought in their head, as I did. And even given the information that this was taken on Elba, in June 2021, we still cannot get the thought out of our head. It's funny how our mind always tries to create a story from the things it sees. And even if you know that this is just another cloud, it is impossible to unthink "nuclear explosion" or "mushroom cloud". So much fro being in control of our own thoughts ... (Currently reading "Thinking Fast & Thinking Slow", which gives a lot of great insights into how our mind seems to work)

Nature will take it all back one day. Maybe quicker than we would like to think.

Under my Feet
My foot sinks into the layer of little stones, making hundreds of tiny dents in my skin. My feet are pretty sensitive, but the pressure is distributed enough so that even the few sharper ones only hurt a little and do not cut. But most of them have been smoothened anyway. I am aware of the sound they make while shifting positions and grinding against each other. And then the crunching sound slows down as if time were standing still. The waves of the Mediterranean continuing to roll onto the shore in slow motion. It is hot today, and I feel a small drop of sweat finding its way across my brow. And then time begins to fly again. Another moment begins.

Beware of explosions due to mining between 10 and 16. Beware of crazy people with guns shooting at signs at all times.

Being by myself, but not feeling lonely. Looking back on the path on my way up to Cima del Monte on the island of Elba.

The Pit
I felt a little like a secret agent taking pictures from behind the "no trespassing" fence that surrrounds the quarry. Surely they are implementing the evil mastermind's plan for world dominance here ...

Where Legends Meet
View across the bay of Innamorata beach, the boats anchoring near the small Gemini Islands and just a shadow on the horizon: the Island of Monte Cristo. The island of course is namesake for the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas, in which Edmond Dantés becomes the Count of Monte Cristo due to a treasure he find's on the island.. Inammorata - litarally "The girl in Love" - is named after a young woman, who, so the legend of Inammorata tells, tried to save her betrothed from Barbarossa pirates, and sadly drowned in the attempt near the beach.

13 Chairs and a barrel
I was strolling through the little comune of Capoliveri at the end of lockdown. The main tourist season had not yet begun. When I came accross this lovely place. I guess that not having any one of the inviting outdoor seating places here occupied probably is a rare sight.

A motorboat:8 meters long. Elba's highest Mountain - Monte Capanne - 1019 meters high - about 17 kilometers away. The island of Corse on the horizon - about 72 kilometers away. Immeasurably thankful to have been there.

Capoliveri, Elba
This is the comune of Capoliveri. Situated on top of a small hill with beautiful views to the mountains in the north and to Porto Azzurro. Narrow streets, small alleys and stairs, children playing soccer on the plaza, women hanging the clothes on lines in front of windows. Almost clichée - but still wonderfully charming.

Dance at Sunset
Warm glowing hills Mews dance across the sea LIfe with you.

Unlike the one before
Wave after wave crashing on the shore the little drops grinding the rock to uncover ourself every little stone a moment unlike the one before.

The Cracks of Time
The past was like a handful of sand you thought you were squeezing tightly, but which had already run out through the cracks between your fingers. Memory was a river that had run dry long ago, leaving only scattered gravel in a lifeless riverbed. -- Liu Cixin in "Dark Forest" Finished reading this amazing book today. Literally couldn't put it down the whole evening. The ruin in the picture is part of the old mining facilities on the island of Elba near Innamorata beach. The place, once full of hard labor and activity, is now crumbling and nature find's its way again through crack and stone.

Wild Elements

Century Plant
Feels like being on an alien plant. The plant derives its name from its nature of flowering only once at the end of its long life. Fascinating 🖖

A Ship Arrives
A stormy sea. They talk and wait again. A ship arrives. --- The ferry arrives in the little harbour of Rio Marina, Elba.

The Misty Mountains
"The wind was on the withered heath, But in the forest stirred no leaf: There shadows lay be night or day, And dark things silent crept beneath." ― From the Lyrics for "Misty Mountains" (from The Hobbit) by Peter Hollens Listend to a wonderful live version of this song by The Danish National Symphony Orchestra. Looking forward to see real concerts again. Soon. The picture was taken from the car somewhere near Innsbruck/Austria on the way to Italy - End of May 2021.

“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.” ― Alan Watts

Blue Door
Empty street in the heart of Manacor a town on the island of Mallorca. Shot during a short vacation with my big girl in May 2018.

Time and Trees
Sunday is meant to be the day to rest, Instead the day was full of things. Things I wanted to do - or needed to? Time was flying. And everything felt a little rushed. Even the little walk through the forest with my Mom. Only now, looking back at this picture I remember , standing underneath those trees. Silence around. And I wanted to stay there. Only for a little while. Not doing anything, Then the moment was gone and I pressed the shutter. Moving on. The trees probably didn't notice.

Seeing the slight curve of the horizon - illusion or not - on the way down from the Zwiesel mountain top on this first warm weekend in May. Getting a little grasp again of the size of this world. Not only is it refreshing, the sight is also giving space to my thoughts. And then I notice again that none of these tiny little sparks in my mind really matter. Except ... maybe ... seeing the two tiny butterflies that dance across the sky above us, oblivious to it all, until they vanish into the sun and ... your hand in mine.

Spring Daydream
A warm weekend. Finally. Getting away from the city and enjoying sights, smells and sounds of life shedding the last remnants of winter. Only a few patches of snow still lingering in the shadows. But they will be gone soon.

Dive in to enjoy a brand new series of colorful abstract photographs.

Light & Rain
The lights of several fire fighting and rescue vehicles illuminated the street, while a light drizzle allowed for great reflections on the street on my way home last night. And even though I was curious about what was going on, I also don't like watching these scenes. So after I got a few shots of the lights I went on my way. Just saw the fire fighters come back out of the building - probably just a false alarm.

A good point
A picture on the boundary between the representational and abstract.

Original Dark
And in the original dark the roots cannot keep, cannot know Any communion whatever, but they bind themselves on to the dark, And drawing the darkness together, crush from it a twilight, a slow Dim self that rises slowly to leaves and the flower’s gay spark. (from "Discipline" by D. H. Lawrence)

The "Old" Normal
It feels strange to me now to look at this night scene taken in 2018 and remember how life was back then. People sitting in cafés and bars, groups walking along the street looking at the restaurant's menue, the cinema's movie posters or maybe having just arrived at the train station, finding their way to the hotel.

Funnel to Hope
The interior of St. Josef church in Holzkirchen.

Today water came up in three different occasions during my day: the meditation teacher mentioned that "you are like an ocean". In the Three-Body-Problem which I am currently reading, Liu Cixin writes, that “A woman should be like water, able to flow over and around anything.” and then a colleague mentioned that he drinks five liters of water every day. So this picture of the river Isar flowing into Bad Tölz is a good match for the day and my mood. Taken last year during my summer vacation bike tour.

I Lean To You
Like a flower leaning toward the sun. These forgetmenots have found their way into my heart and our garden.

Blue Sweater
A capture of nearby Westpark from July about two years ago. I am really looking forward to warmer days. Soon.

Ships sailing in the sky trying to escape the storm. Dragons dancing among the clouds. I close my eyes and enter into this world of wonder.

Fly With Us
"Come and fly away with us Let the wind carry you far from this place Come and fly as high as you can Let's chase the heavens in dance" -- translated from lyrics of Feenkleid by FAUN, a wonderfully uplifting song that carried me through this day.

Hope at the End of the Road
I belief that there is a way. Even if sometimes it may be hard to see where we are going. Let's just walk this road - one step at a time.

Japanese Dream
And then suddenly the crowd parted and I was able to get a glimpse into a world full of dreams, silent wispers and magic trees.

Blue Mountain Ridge
I came out of the still snowy woods on a little walk with my Mother when I saw the fields of snow glowing up in the Blue Mountains and the little trees lining up on the ridgeline.

Ever changing
The sky at the evening of my birthday. What a spectacular view! Wonderful light and clouds to celebrate my start into a new year. I am glad that I was able to spend the day with loved ones. But I guess I am not the only one who's looking forward to celebrate their birthday next year with a big crashing party! Today unexpectated calls from old friends were a gentle reminder that time is flowing quickly. Just a blink and years have past. Even more reason to seize the day!

There is a light
Friday afternoon. The last video call is over. The sun is shining and it is finally warm enough to jump on the bike and do a quick tour. Not following any concrete path. Just going with the flow.

Much anticipated spring is coming. Enjoying a few moments outside. Cherry blossoms reminding me of the beauty of life.

First entry for the new blog. Yeah!
Flying stone on the first warm days of the year.